Martin Hopp建筑师

2023年9月20日 芝麻小事

常青特许学校 and Wood as a Catalyst for 学习ing

Schools represent about 15% of the market for built mass timber projects in the U.S.—ranking less than business and assembly occupancies and more than multi-family. If looking at mass timber projects in design, schools’ share shrinks to 4%. These numbers underscore the enormous potential for wood in schools, 但真正的机会在于大量木材给皇冠99hg现金网环境带来的价值. 木材的亲生物特性在创造室内空间时具有特殊的意义,可以促进学生和教师的健康, 在严格的返校时间内建设的项目,建设速度会带来很高的回报. 越来越多地, 在不断增长的市场中具有竞争力的价格以及设计更可持续建筑的紧迫性, teams are proposing mass timber on projects with confidence that it will pencil out.


  • 大小五层,85000平方英尺 
  • 建筑类型: III-A 
  • 预计完成: 2024  
  • 可持续发展目标LEED金牌,净零准备


  • 大量木材
  • 交叉层压木材(CLT)
  • 胶合木材(GLT或胶合木)
  • 混合(木材与钢或混凝土)
  • 木-混凝土复合系统
  • 空腹桁架

图片来源:Martin Hopp建筑师

亨普斯特德的常青特许学校, 纽约就是一个显著的例子, demonstrating the value of mass timber in modern school design. 该项目由 马丁·霍普建筑事务所(尼古拉斯) with Odeh Engineers and is being built by Consigli. 它也是软木木材委员会(SLB)和美国农业部林业局(USDA) 2022年大规模木材竞赛:实现净零碳排放的六个获胜者之一.  

Located in one of Nassau County’s most impoverished communities, 常青特许学校为服务不足和边缘化的青年和家庭提供了一个替代当地公立学校的选择,在当地公立学校,少数民族的毕业率一直很低. 新建筑的使命是创建一所可持续发展的学校,拥有强大的皇冠99hg现金网计划,同时也是整个社区的资产. 计划于2024年完工, the project is one of the East Coast’s first cross-laminated timber (CLT) schools.

Martin Hopp建筑师

常荣公司已经发布了该项目的第二轮征求意见稿,因为世界和设计界正在努力适应流行病期间(以及之后)前所未有的生活性质. “There was a realization of just how important schools are to our communities,马丁·霍普说, 尼古拉斯. “我认为我们都在COVID中看到了, 就在学校停课的时候, how affected we all were and the challenges that came out of that. The Evergreen RFP came to us as we were responding to how the world had changed, 我们想要解决关键问题.  

确信大量木材市场已发展到足以保证竞争性投标, 设计团队提出了大量的木材设计来完成Evergreen的项目目标. 他们将材料纳入其中的进步愿景与学校的利益相关者产生了共鸣. “The client team was excited to investigate it further with us,” Hopp says. “They hadn’t even realized wood was an option.”  

随着项目的发展, there was a collective buy-in from the client, 设计团队, 和承包商, Consigli, that mass timber would be a key part of the project. “When one person is pursuing this type of vision on their own, it’s a much harder job. 一旦其他人加入你的倡导, 事情开始发生了,” says 芝麻小事 Regional Director for New York, 莫莫的太阳, 谁与这个项目关系密切. “Evergreen benefits from a 设计团队 and client who are totally in sync, and it’s been a wonderful thing to witness and support.”  

“Evergreen benefits from a 设计团队 and client who are totally in sync, and it’s been a wonderful thing to witness and support.

Designing for the Community, with the Community

由于这座五层建筑的预期用途是白天作为皇冠99hg现金网设施,晚上和周末作为社区中心, community engagement was paramount to the design process. 尼古拉斯 worked as strategic partners with Evergreen, 领导研讨会和远景会议,以了解客户的优先事项,以及建筑如何满足这些优先事项.

The building is comprised of three floors of classrooms and flexible learning spaces, 两个食堂, 一个体育馆, 足球场, 花园和其他户外空间.  

One of the building’s 两个食堂 is on the rooftop, a full mass timber structure with wood columns, 桁架, 和CLT屋顶构件.

Martin Hopp建筑师

尼古拉斯从内到外进行设计,首先关注学校的核心——教室. 霍普说:“我们通过与老师和学生一起玩纸牌游戏,就理想的教室建立了共识。. Along with the building’s dual purpose as a school and community hub, 长荣计划增加招生人数, making flexibility a priority for the design. “我们确定了机构增长目标, key program elements that the school most valued, 当学校不上课时,空间有机会作为社区设施.” 

The wood enables you to reframe your decision-making process, unlike if your starting point was a more traditional classroom.

决定在设计中使用大量木材最合适的地方,导致了对其他材料的类似讨论. “The wood enables you to reframe your decision-making process, unlike if your starting point was a more traditional classroom,霍普解释道. 他们决定采用混合解决方案,采用暴露的木天花板和暴露的混凝土地板. “Schools are a tough environment from a wear and tear standpoint. 面临的挑战是如何包括最暴露的木材,同时在持久的高流量区域保持低维护成本.”


亲生物设计元素越来越多地应用于建筑环境中,通过与自然的联系来提高居住者的幸福感, 越来越多的人 研究称 that wood is especially impactful when it comes to focus and productivity. Since students spend most of their days inside, 设计团队利用木材的亲生物元素,强调空气质量和照明,以确保为学生和员工提供理想的环境. 

“When you look at the rendering for our classroom, 你可以在空间里看到木头, 这是一个完全不同的环境. It looks so much more positive than a typical classroom,” says Hopp. “数据清楚地表明,学生和教职员工在健康的环境中表现得更好,而木材是解决方案的一部分。. 最终, if we can design better-quality environments for the same price, 这等于更好的性能, 更低的缺勤率, 等. 这是我们设计的关键指标.” 

建筑设计包括高性能围护结构和机械系统,其性能将高于规范的20%, providing an ideal environment for students and staff. It also maximizes natural light in the classrooms, ensuring high indoor air quality (IAQ) and acoustics.

木材的可持续性效益, including low embodied carbon and carbon storage, 巩固了长荣对大量木材的热情,并支持了他们的绿色精神——这是他们作为特许学校的特点,吸引了志同道合的家庭.  

Martin Hopp建筑师

除了室内项目, 尼古拉斯 turned outdoor spaces into gardens and gathering spots for students to relax, 社交, 或学习.

They’ve set a LEED Gold target, with plans for the school to be net-zero-ready. 除了这些可持续性成果, Evergreen intends to use the building as a teaching tool, initiating discussions about the impact of C02 on the world and embodied carbon in construction. “在环境主题和你正在学习的教室之间建立直接联系,会给空间带来新的意义,霍普分享道。, “It tells the students they are valued and part of something ambitious.” 

在环境主题和你正在学习的教室之间建立直接联系会给空间带来新的意义. It tells the students they are valued and part of something ambitious.

长荣对环境和社区的承诺在学校承诺中得到了最深刻的总结, 而读, “我保证尊重自己, 尊重别人的人, 尊重地球的资源.”

Students visit the site to observe the construction process. 照片:常绿


Evergreen的建设正在进行中, 学生们参观了这个地方,看到了他们的新学校从头开始的生活. 在安装人员完成定制缺口以适应设计之后,大量木材将于9月到达现场,这是大量木材灵活性和定制机会的一个很好的例子. 

孙momo出席了奠基仪式,并表示整个团队的热情和凝聚力影响了项目的成功. “看到Evergreen的创始人(Sarah Brewster和Gil Bernandino)如何倡导社区和这个大型木材项目,我感到非常鼓舞人心,孙说. “和尼古拉斯一起, Odeh, Consigli, 扩展的团队——这个独特的团队对他们正在构建的东西和他们为谁构建的东西充满热情.”

Martin Hopp建筑师


大量木材 Cost and Design Optimization Checklists, 芝麻小事 

生物设计手册,木制品 & 认为木材 

为什么木头? 可持续发展实务指引 & 设计资源,木制品

超出了我们的 在线资源库, our team provides free project assistance. 负责您所在地区的主管可以帮助您找到最合适的木材解决方案, 确定最佳代码路径, 解决问题, 让你的项目开花结果.


You can connect with the Evergreen project team, 查看其他已建成的皇冠99hg现金网项目, and find mass timber supplier on the 木制品创新网络 (WIN).  
